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ASCD Privacy Policy RTC

Our Privacy Policy explains how the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development ("ASCD," "we," or "us") collect, use, share, and protect information in relation to our online services and websites (collectively, the "Service"), and your choices about the collection and use of your information. Our Policy applies to all visitors, members, users, and others who access and use the Service ("Users").


Questions or Comments

ASCD welcomes questions and comments about this Privacy Policy. They should be directed to the ASCD Legal Unit and at the following address:

ASCD Privacy
Attention: ASCD Legal
2800 Shirlington Rd, Unit 1001
Arlington, VA  22206



When you create an account with us, contact us, join ASCD as a member, access or use our Service, make a purchase, or register for conferences, institutes, and webinars, you provide us with information about yourself. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect and use such information.

Please note that, to the extent that you disclose or you authorize ASCD to disclose your information to other parties, whether they are our vendors, affiliates, sponsors, partners, or service providers, different rules may apply to their use or disclosure of the information disclosed to them.

The Service may contain links to other entities' websites that are not controlled or operated by ASCD. This Privacy Policy does not apply to such third-party websites, and ASCD is not responsible for the content of such third-party websites or the privacy practices of such third parties. Therefore, we encourage you to request and review the privacy policies of any third parties upon disclosing your information such parties or visiting such third-party websites.

California residents have certain rights under state law related to the sharing of personal information with third parties for direct marketing purposes. ASCD offers a cost-free means to opt-out of disclosure of personally identifiable information for direct marketing purposes as described in the section titled "Choice and Opt-Out Preferences" below.

Collection of Your Personal Information

1. When do you collect personally identifiable information?

We receive and store any information you knowingly enter on the Service, whether via computer, mobile devices, wireless devices, or that you provide to us in any other way. Information is usually collected from you only if you choose to complete the online forms to register and create an account to (a) become a member of ASCD; (b) have access to our products and services; (c) participate in any ASCD program; (d) purchase products; (e) sign up for seminars, tutorials, professional development programs, or classes; (f) subscribe to our newsletters or other publications; (g) participate in surveys, report issues, or request information or assistance from us; or (h) post any information on discussion groups, bulletin boards, or forums on our Service.

2. What information do you collect?

The personally identifiable information that we collect may include your name, e-mail address, address, telephone number, and fax number. Under some circumstances, we may also request and collect additional information that is necessary or appropriate for the completion of a transaction requested by you, such as credit card or banking information and billing address. We may also collect demographic data including, without limitation, through various ASCD-led surveys.

We and our authorized service providers acting on our behalf maintain the information provided by you. We may also collect certain technical information that does not identify you personally in connection with the operation of the Service including, without limitation, IP addresses, browser or operating system information, data on purchases, and the websites that you visit before or after you visit our Service. Such information is maintained by ASCD or its service providers acting on ASCD’s behalf.

3. How is information collected from my mobile device?

When you use a mobile device like a tablet or phone to access the Service, we may access, collect, monitor, store on your device, and/or remotely store one or more "device identifiers." Device identifiers are small data files or similar data structures stored on or associated with your mobile device, which uniquely identify your mobile device. A device identifier may be data stored in connection with the device hardware; data stored in connection with the device's operating system or other software; or data sent to the device by a social media site, such as, but not limited to Instagram.

4. What information is collected automatically?

When you visit the Service, we may use cookies and similar technologies, like pixels, web beacons, and local storage, to collect information about how you use the Service. This allows ASCD to provide features to you, personalize your experience, provide specialized content and support to customers, record session information, recall visitor preferences, and/or simplify the completion of online forms. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can use settings on your browser to disable or turn off cookies. If you choose to reject the cookies used by the Service, you may be unable to access certain areas of the Service, or your use of the Service may be degraded.

We may ask advertisers or other partners to serve ads or notices to your devices, which may use cookies or similar technologies placed by us or the third party. These companies do things like help us deliver ads to people who are most likely to be interested in seeing them, keep track of the number of users who saw a particular ad or visited a particular page on the Service, and analyze the effectiveness of our ads. The ads we display are more effective when they are shown to users who are likely to be interested in the product or service advertised. For this reason, we use the data we collect and receive to help us choose which ads to show to users.

We use third-party analytics tools to help us measure traffic and usage trends for the Service. These tools collect information sent by your device or the Service, including the web pages you visit, add-ons, and other information that assists us in improving the Service. We collect and use this analytics information against analytics information from other Users so that it cannot reasonably be used to identify any particular individual User.

Click on the link below to learn more about these companies' practices and the choices they may offer in connection with advertising. We may update this list from time to time, so you should review this list periodically: ASCD Cookies, Tracking, and Advertising Disclosures (PDF).

The cookies submitted by ASCD's third-party providers are governed by their own privacy policies. Many advertisers and ad networks participate in voluntary programs to provide tools to opt out of such interest-based advertising.

You can go to the Network Advertising Initiative for more information about advertising preferences by clicking here: www.networkadvertising.org/choices/. More information on exercising choice in advertising can be found at www.aboutads.info/choices.

How We Protect Your Information

Although no one can guarantee the security of the information collected and received, we employ a number of safeguards to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, maintain data accuracy, and facilitate the appropriate use of information. Examples of these safeguards include storing data in controlled facilities, limiting access to personal information to employees who need that access to perform their responsibilities, and providing training on privacy and security.

You understand and agree that Internet transmissions are never completely private or secure. You understand that any messages or information you send to the Service may be read or intercepted by others. If you have any questions about the security of personally identifiable information collected by ASCD, contact ASCD's Legal Unit at legal@ascd.org.

"Do Not Track" Signals

Some web browsers may include features that send a "do not track" signal websites and other online services. Currently, there is no standard that governs what, if anything, websites should do when they receive these signals. ASCD currently does not take action in response to these signals.

Use of Your Personally Identifiable Information

Generally, ASCD uses the personally identifiable information we collect about you to provide any products or services requested by you. Upon our collection of your personally identifiable information, ASCD may use such personally identifiable information internally, separately, or in combination with pre-existing information.

1. For what purpose do you use my information?

ASCD uses the information you provide us for the purposes of providing any requested products or services including, without limitation, membership services, conferences and institutes, professional development programs, tutorials, classes or other training services, books, subscriptions, polls, curricula, or other products. We also use the information to

  • troubleshoot problems with the Service, or any products or services, as requested;
    bill you for and collect fees owed;

  • customize your experience with the Service;

  • enforce our Terms of Use;
    detect and protect against error, fraud and any other unauthorized or illegal activities;

  • provide your contact and billing information to vendors whose products or services you have requested and to provide your contact information to leaders and/or other members of groups that you have elected to join or leaders and/or other participants in projects or initiatives in which you have elected to participate;

  • contact you with more information about ASCD and its products and services; or
    alert you to upgrades, special offers, updated information, and other new services; and
    provide you with information, promotions, and offers that may be of interest to you.

Personally identifiable information collected on the Service may be stored and processed in the United States or abroad.

2. Will ASCD share my personal information with others?

We may disclose your personally identifiable information to third parties including, without limitation, our third party service providers or vendors whose products and/or services are required in order for ASCD to fulfill a transaction, or who have sponsored an event attended by you. You acknowledge and agree that, by requesting such third-party products and/or services, you hereby authorize ASCD to disclose your personally identifiable information to such parties.

Your username or user ID will be displayed when you use certain areas of the Service including, without limitation, in connection with discussion groups, bulletin boards, or forums in which you participate. Other users may be able to view your username or user ID and the contents of any posts by you (collectively, your "User Posts"). Therefore, if you include any personally identifiable information in any of your User Posts, any other person or entity that accesses the Service may be able to identify you and your activities on the Service. In addition, we may disclose your personally identifiable information, including as part of working group lists, mailing lists, and other directories, to leaders and/or other members of groups that you have elected to join or leaders and/or other participants in projects or initiatives in which you have elected to participate. You assume full responsibility for any consequences you incur when you make User Posts on a public area of the Service.

3. Will you share my e-mail address with your affiliates, vendors, or partners?

We may also disclose your personally identifiable information to our affiliates, third-party vendors, or partners whom we occasionally hire to provide services on our behalf including, without limitation, support services, website services, packaging, mailing and delivering promotional materials, marketing, shipping, content distribution or sale, and new services.

ASCD will only provide those affiliates or partners with the personally identifiable information they need to deliver the services to us and/or on our behalf and they will be contractually prohibited from using that information for any other purpose. In the event that ASCD is involved in a transaction such as a merger, stock purchase or sale, or sale of substantially all of ASCD's assets, your personal information may be transferred to the other party in such transaction. For example, if you register and attend one of our conferences, we may share your information with our conference sponsors who helped underwrite the cost of the conference.

We may also disclose your personally identifiable information to our affiliates or other third parties that we believe will be able to provide you with offers, valuable products, services, or other information that may be of interest. Our affiliates include, without limitation, regional educational organizations that are associated with us. When you register for services, you authorize us to share your information with the affiliate in your area. Because our affiliates may keep and use your information whether or not you purchase their products or use their services, your personal information will be subject to their privacy policies and you should contact them directly for more information about their specific privacy policies.

We may disclose aggregate information collected from various surveys to school administrators who have requested the data. Although this data does not include personally identifiable information, in some circumstances, school administrators may be able to identify the participants based on the information provided. Further, from time to time, we may also disclose aggregate de-identified information about users of the Service to service providers, partners, advertisers, or others, but such information will not include personally identifiable information.

Use of Posts, Feedback and Surveys

We may collect User Posts, feedback, polls, survey responses, or other information from you in connection with the Service, or about our products and services. By providing such content to us, you consent to our use, modification, copying, publication, display, and/or distribution of such content at no compensation or other obligation to you. You acknowledge that all such content is owned by ASCD and is subject to our Terms of Use, and you consent to the publication, display, or distribution of such content.

ASCD reserves the right to disclose your personally identifiable information if required to do so by law, legal process, otherwise requested by any law enforcement officer or agency acting under color of law. In addition, ASCD reserves the right to disclose your personally identifiable information based on the good faith belief that such action is necessary or appropriate to (a) protect and defend the rights or property of ASCD, or (b) act in urgent circumstances to protect the safety or security of the public or of users of the ASCD's products and services and/or the Service.

Children's Privacy

The Service is intended for a general audience. We do not knowingly collect, use, or disclose personal information from children under the age of 13. If we discover that any information has been supplied by children, we will disregard and delete such information.

Identification and Passwords

In connection with any ASCD membership or certain other products or services, you may choose, or we may issue to you a username, password, or other similar access code. Certain of our vendors and partners may also issue to you and/or include in their communications with you usernames, passwords, and other similar access codes. In order to protect the privacy of your personally identifiable information and to comply with the Terms of Use, you must keep any such username, password, or access code secret. You may not disclose your user name, password, or access code to any third party, or allow any third party to access your account.

You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for all actions taken using any username, user ID, login, or other identifier (each, an "Identifier") or password selected by, or issued to, you in connection with the Service including, without limitation, any fees charged to your account. You agree to notify ASCD immediately of any unauthorized use of any Identifier, password, or any other breach of security of which you are aware by contacting our Web Help team, and you should immediately change your password. You may not use any Identifier or password that is not issued directly to you by ASCD or its authorized vendors or partners.

Your Use of the Information of Other Users

In order to protect the privacy of the personally identifiable information of others, you may not collect, use, disclose, publish, display, link to, or otherwise provide access to the personally identifiable information of any other person in connection with the Service without the express written permission of ASCD or through certain areas of the Service including, without limitation, those titled "Refer a Colleague," "Tell A Friend," or "Send To A Friend."

Our Retention of Your Personally Identifiable Information

The personally identifiable information that you provide will be stored and maintained by ASCD until you instruct us otherwise, or, in ASCD’s sole discretion, for the longer of (a) for so long as is necessary or appropriate to carry out the purpose(s) for which such information was collected, and (b) for so long as we are required to maintain such information by law.
Choice and Opt-Out Preferences

ASCD does not collect your personally identifiable information unless you choose to provide it. You may "opt-out" of receiving further information about ASCD and third-party products and services (other than support or other information that you specifically request by filling out the online forms to register your product or to request online support services) by checking or unchecking the appropriate boxes on the online and other forms.

If you are a member of ASCD, you may also manage your opt-out and other preferences online via the "MyASCD" link. If, at any time, you prefer not to receive further e-mail communications from ASCD, you will have the ability to unsubscribe from such communications by means of a link provided in every broadcast e-mail that is sent to you by ASCD.

If, at any time, you prefer not to receive any other form of communication from ASCD, you will have the ability to unsubscribe from such communications by e-mailing us at the address in that communication.

Access and Accuracy

ASCD aims to keep your personally identifiable information as accurate as possible. You will have the opportunity to update and correct any of your personally identifiable information collected and maintained by ASCD by logging into the Service and entering any new information about yourself. You must promptly update your personally identifiable information if it changes or it is not accurate.

You may change your password, e-mail address and other contact information, financial and shipping information, and user preferences by logging into the Service and selecting the appropriate options from our menus.

As a general policy, we will not modify your personally identifiable information upon request, although we reserve the right to access, remove, or modify such information in its sole discretion. We further reserve the right to deny access to your personally identifiable information (a) when such denial of access is required by law, (b) when granting you access is reasonably likely to negatively impact other people's privacy, (c) to protect ASCD's rights and property, and (d) when such requests are frivolous or made in bad faith.

Your Acceptance of This Privacy Policy and Revisions to This Privacy Policy

By using the Service and providing us with your information, you agree to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, you may not use the Service. ASCD reserves the right, in our discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time and from time to time. All revisions will be posted on the Service. If you continue to use the Service after we post any update to our Privacy Policy, you signify your consent and acceptance of our updated terms. We urge you to review this Privacy Policy frequently for changes.