Stop Leading, Start Building: Turn Your School into a Success Story with the People and Resources You Already Have
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You are a school administrator—a principal or maybe a district leader. You're doing everything "right"—poring over data, trying new strategies, launching annual initiatives, bringing in outside trainers. So why do the outcomes you seek still seem so far away? The problem isn't you; it's that you were trained in school leadership, and school leadership just isn't up to the challenge.
For November 2022
Tell us about a change you recently implemented in your classroom or school to give students more autonomy.
Deadline: August 29, 2022
Tell us about a change you recently implemented in your classroom or school to give students more autonomy.
Deadline: August 29, 2022
Table of contents
Purpose: How to get off the "school improvement hamster wheel" once and for all
People: How to have an entire staff of master teachers (without having to "get rid" of anyone)
Pathway: How to stop tackling every challenge and focus on what matters most