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Leadership for Learning: How to Bring Out the Best in Every Teacher, 2nd Edition


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In this revised edition, Carl Glickman and coauthor Rebecca West Burns synthesize their decades of experience in teacher education and supervision into a comprehensive guide to supporting teacher growth and student learning. Embedded in every page are the essential knowledge, skills, approaches, and methods that leaders need to drive instructional improvement.

Table of contents

Praise for Leadership for Learning


Structures for Professional Learning

About the authors

Carl Glickman is professor emeritus of education at the University of Georgia. He is the author of the bestselling ASCD books Leadership for Learning: How to Help Teachers Succeed and Developmental Supervision.

Overall, he has written 13 books, three of which were recognized by national education organizations as outstanding education books of the year. His supervision text, coauthored with Gordon and Ross-Gordon, is in its 10th edition and continues to be the leading text in the field. Glickman, once active in ASCD, has keynoted to audiences in the thousands at various conferences, including five major presentations, and served as a featured general assembly presenter.

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